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Take a stroll down #SunWriteFun's WRITE OF FAME. 

Who do you most want to network with? What 200 words will get you there?

Think of our ACADEMY OF PRIZE DONORS as mentors ready to guide or inspire your quest for literary stardom!

Newly announced author Steena Hernandez knows about the power of #SunWriteFun...

Her 2021 entry was recently announced as her debut picture book!  





                         Eligibility to "Take Home The GOLD" 

                         (win a Golden Grand Prize) requires: 

               1. The entering of a story

                         2. The earning of SUMMER FUN POINTS!



Debbie Ohi

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Debbie Ridpath Ohi is the award-winning author and illustrator of Where Are My Books? and Sam & Eva (Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers). She has helped create over 30 books, most of which are for young people. Her illustrations appear in books by Judy Blume, Michael Ian Black, and Linda Sue Park, among others. Her most recent book is I’m Sorry, the newest in the I’m… picture book series about emotions, written by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by Debbie. Debbie is currently working on a middle grade novel, and a new solo picture book. You can find out more about Debbie at

You can find out more about Debbie at, as well as on TwitterSubstackFacebook, and Instagram (she also has a Bookstagram).


Helen Wu/Yeehoo Press

Helen H. Wu is a children’s book author and illustrator, as well as a translator and publisher. Her books include Tofu Takes Time and Long Goes To Dragon School. Helen is the publisher of Yeehoo Press, an independent children’s book publisher based in San Diego, California. Fascinated by the differences and similarities between cultures, Helen loves to share stories that empower children to understand the world and our connections.



Gnome Road Publishing


Publisher, Editor - Sandra Foreman Sutter is the owner ("top gnome") at GRP. She is the author of two traditionally published picture books, a former attorney and addictions counselor. She's also a mom, crazy cat lady, and fan of kind people. 


We provide a system of respect and support for creatives and their work throughout the publishing process and beyond. We are committed to communication, collaboration, cultivation, and community! 


Karen Grencik 

In June 2011 Karen Grencik joined forces with Abigail Samoun to open Red Fox Literary. Among the awards garnered by her authors are the Parents' Choice Gold Award for Best Non-Fiction, the SCBWI Golden Kite Award for Best Picture Book Text, and the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best New Fiction. She has been ranked by Publishers Marketplace as one of the Top 10 agents for children's book sales in both 2012 and 2013.



Mary Cummings

"Great River Literary" was the clear name choice for the new agency established by Mary Cummings in 2021, after thirteen years as an agent for books for children and teens at Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises. Except in the depths of winter, nearly every evening Mary goes down to the banks of the Mississippi River in St. Paul to see the passing scene of trees and birds, barges and boats, kids and lovers - and always the play of light on the flowing water.

Mary finds great joy in helping her clients polish their stories to stand out for editors and to become books that will make a difference in kids' lives. Among her sales are board and picture books, chapter books and novels to such houses as Abrams; Knopf; L,B; Random House; Candlewick; Chronicle; Balzer & Bray; HarperCollins; Philomel; Viking; Nancy Paulsen; Holt; Feiwel & Friends; FSG; Holiday House; Beaming; Wiseman S & S; Beach Lane and others.


Picture Book Summit 

Picture Book Summit is the original online writing conference specifically designed for picture book creators. This year’s world-class event, Picture Books That Sing!, features the one and only Julie Andrews with fellow Superstar Speakers Nikki Grimes, Philip C. Stead, and Erin E. Stead! Plus, the full-day event includes in-depth workshops and agent and editor panels. It’s seven hours of picture book fun and insight coming October 7, 2023.  Follow on Twitter and Instagram.


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Julie Hedlund/12X12 


The 12 x 12 Picture Book Challenge is a calendar-year challenge to write 12 picture book drafts in 12 months, but it’s so much more than that too! 12 x 12 is a community of writers offering motivation, support, and accountability at all milestones of the picture book writing journey. Join us in an exclusive forum, private Facebook group, and monthly webinars focused on the craft of writing and publishing picture books. It’s the friendliest writing community on Earth!  Follow on Twitter and Instagram.


Baptiste Paul

Baptiste Paul is the award-winning author of The Field, To Carnival!, and I Am Farmer: Growing an Environmental Movement in Cameroon. His works have garnered many starred reviews from Kirkus, Booklist, and School Library Journal, and several titles have been translated into multiple languages. He loves writing stories inspired by his childhood in Saint Lucia, and featuring words from his native language, Creole. Baptiste is also a mentor for We Need Diverse Books and the co-author of several works with Miranda Paul, including their newest collaboration, Peace. He lives in Wisconsin with his family.


To learn more, visit:


Lynne Marie/Rate Your Story

Lynne Marie is the award-winning author of 9 picture books including The Palace Rat -- art by Eva Santana (Yeehoo Press 2023), and Broommates co-written with Brenda Reeves Sturgis – art by Nico Ecenarro (The Little Press 2024).  You can find out more about Lynne at her website and Twitter,  Facebook, and Instagram.

She’s the Owner/Director of, a service where children’s writers from all levels can submit their story to receive honest feedback from published authors. Submitted manuscripts are read and rated by traditionally-published professionals who graciously volunteer their time and expertise to evaluate submissions with an eye toward helping along the path to publication. 

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Dow Phumiruk


Dow Phumiruk is an award-winning author/illustrator of children's picture books, with 19 books published and/or to come. She is one of the illustrators of YES WE WILL by NYT bestselling author Kelly Yang. She has illustrated A LIFE OF SERVICE, by Newbery Honor winner Christina Soontornvat and ONE GIRL, by NYT bestselling author Andrea Beaty. HUGSBY, written and illustrated by Dow, is a Colorado Book Award finalist. Dow is a retired pediatrician and teaches medical students part time. She was born in Bangkok, Thailand and now lives in Lone Tree, Colorado with her family and enjoys sewing and light hiking. Learn more about Dow at

Vivian Kirkfield


Writer for children—reader forever…that’s Vivian Kirkfield in five words. When she isn’t looking for ways to fall from the sky or sink under the water, she can be found writing picture books in the picturesque town of Bedford, New Hampshire. A retired kindergarten teacher with a master’s in Early Childhood Education, Vivian inspires budding writers during classroom visits and shares insights with aspiring authors at conferences and on her blog where she hosts the #50PreciousWords International Writing Contest and the #50PreciousWordsforKids Challenge. Her nonfiction narratives bring history alive for young readers and her picture books have garnered starred reviews and accolades including the Silver Eureka, Social Studies Notable Trade Book, Best STEM Book K-12, Bank Street College of Education Best Book of 2022, and Junior Library Guild Selection.

Follow Vivian at: Website, FacebookTwitterInstagram 

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Kirsten Larson


Kirsten used to work with rocket scientists at NASA. Now she writes books for curious kids. She's the author of the picture books WOOD, WIRE, WINGS: Emma Lilian Todd Invents an Airplane, illustrated by Tracy Subisak (Calkins Creek, 2020), A TRUE WONDER: The Comic Book Hero Who Changed Everything, illustrated by Katy Wu (Clarion, 2021), THE FIRE OF STARS: The Life and Brilliance of the Woman Who Discovered What Stars Are Made Of, illustrated by Katherine Roy (Chronicle, 2023), and THIS IS HOW YOU KNOW, illustrated by Cornelia Li (Little, Brown, 2024). She also is the author of the middle grade, graphic nonfiction, THE LIGHT OF RESISTANCE, illustrated by Barbara McClintock, (Roaring Brook, 2023), along with 30 nonfiction books for the school and library market. Kirsten lives near Los Angeles with her family. Check out more about  Kirsten at

Jilanne Hoffman


Jilanne Hoffmann's debut nonfiction picture book, River of Dust: How Wind-Borne Nutrients from North Africa Nourish the Amazon Rainforest, (a lyrical love letter from one continent to another sent in the form of dust) will be published by Chronicle Books in July 2023. Jilanne is a San Francisco Local Area coordinator for the SCBWI South Bay region and is a co-producer of Kidquake, the elementary school program of the Litquake Literary Festival, in San Francisco. She has placed 5th in Susanna Hill's Valentiny competition and received an honorable mention for a flash fiction bookmark competition judged by Daniel Handler. Jilanne is a member of 12x12 and the Writing Barn's Courage to Create community; blogs about perfect picture books at; and is repped by Lori Steel of Red Fox Literary.


Follow Jilanne on Twitter: @Jill_SF and Instagram: @jilanne2694.

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Frederico Erebia


Federico Erebia is a retired physician, woodworker, author, and illustrator. Pedro & Daniel (Levine Querido, June 2023) is his debut novel. He serves on the SCBWI Impact & Legacy Fund Steering Committee, and is a member of several writing groups. He enjoys the intersections of his neurodivergent, gay, and Latino identities. He lives in Massachusetts with his husband and their furry bubbies. Learn more at

Jyoti Gopal


Growing up, Jyoti lived in Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, China and India. She finally settled in New York where she raised two daughters with her husband (who also grew up all over the world). As a child, she adored and devoured books but did not enjoy writing. At all.  

As a grown up, she is a forever kindergarten teacher and mom. She still adores and devours books. But now, she likes to write! Find out more at

She is the author of American Desi (LBYR, 2022) and My Paati's Saris (Kokila, 2022) and the forthcoming Desert Queen (Levine Querido, 2023) and One Sweet Song (Candlewick, 2024).

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Keila Dawson


Keila V. Dawson is a two-time Ohioana finalist and former educator who writes fiction and nonfiction picture books. Her latest release, NO WORLD TOO BIG: YOUNG PEOPLE FIGHTING GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, is a companion title to the International Reading Association Children’s Book Award-winning title, NO VOICE TOO SMALL: FOURTEEN YOUNG AMERICANS MAKING HISTORY. She is the author of OPENING THE ROAD: VICTOR HUGO GREEN AND HIS GREEN BOOK, THE KING CAKE BABY, and the forthcoming YUMBO GUMBO. 

A New Orleans native, Dawson has also lived and worked in different states, and abroad in the Philippines, Japan, and Egypt. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Find free educational content, read reviews, and articles about her books on her website. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.  

Karen M. Greenwald


Karen is a children’s author, (non-practicing) attorney, and international award-winning brand strategist. Her debut, A VOTE FOR SUSANNA, THE FIRST WOMAN MAYOR, is a Kansas Notable Book and a Library of Congress (LOC) 2022 Great Reads from Great Places selection. It represented Kansas at the LOC’s 2022 National Book Festival. Greenwald co-founded #SunWriteFun and raises money for minority kidlit charities. Her next nonfiction book, THE MUD ANGELS-HOW STUDENTS SAVE THE CITY OF FLORENCE, launches Spring, 2024. Greenwald has won numerous prestigious international awards for STEM creative, writing, video, rebranding, and self-promotion, including a Platinum international Summit Marketing Effectiveness Award for her strategic marketing campaign for A VOTE FOR SUSANNA. Bylined credits include online, print magazines, and The Washington Post.

Greenwald participates in SCBWI and 12x12, is a member of the Children's Book Guild, and co-founded #SunWriteFun. 

You can follow her on Instagram and Post at: @karenmgreenwald

Follow her on GoodReads by clicking HERE.


Classic Critiques

Ana Siquiera


Ana Siqueira is a Spanish-language elementary teacher, an award-winning Brazilian children’s author. Her forthcoming picture books include Bella's Recipe for Disaster/Success (Beaming Books, 2021), If Your Babysitter is a Bruja (SimonKids,2022) and Abuela's Super Capa (HarperCollins, 2023). Ana loves to read, teach, and play with her Cuban-Brazilian-American grandchildren.


Follow her on Twitter @SraSiqueira1307 & visit her website at

Shirin Shamsi


Shirin’s family left India during the Partition. Having lived on three continents, she views herself as a global citizen and now spends her time-sharing stories with children of the world. She has raised six children- three human and three feline, and lives in Illinois with her husband.


You can follow Shirin on Twitter at @ShirinsBooks, on Instagram at @shirinshamsi1 or on her website:

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Aimee Bissonette


Aimée has written many picture books for children.  She especially loves writing about nature and “everyday heroes,” people who made a difference to their families, friends, and communities and whose stories need to be told. Her most recent everyday hero book, HEADSTRONG HALLIE! The Story of Hallie Morse Daggett, the First Female “Fire Guard” was a 2022 SCBWI Crystal Kite Award winner. Aimée’s favorite place is anywhere outdoors, regardless of the season.


You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @AimeeBissonette or visit her website at

Jenny Buchet


Jennifer is an award-winning kidlit author, former marketing guru, and super-fun pre-k educator. She's also a regular feature contributor to Cricket Media, including the social studies magazine, FACES. She is an active member of many writing communities including SCBWI, 12x12, The Writing Barn, and the Children’s Book Academy.

Jennifer's debut picture book, Little Medusa’s Hair Do-Lemma (Clear Fork Publishing) launched  to rave reviews. When she's not writing enchanting tales for kids, she's searching for feyfolke in the woods or stirring up magic in the kitchen.


You can follow Jennifer on Twitter @Yangmommy or visit

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Nancy Churnin


Nancy Churnin writes children's books about people that inspire kids to make a positive difference in the world and encourage kids to be heroes, too. Dear Mr. Dickens, the story of a woman who spoke up to Charles Dickens, won the 2021 National Jewish Book Award, a  2022 Sydney Taylor Honor; and is a Junior Library Guild selection. Among her other honors: Junior Library Guild, National Council for the Social Studies Notables, Silver Eurekas, Mighty Girl lists, Sakura Medal finalist, Notable Book for a Global Society, Anne Izard Storytellers Choice Award, the South Asia Book award, and starred reviews. Nancy lives in North Texas. You'll find free teacher guides, resources, and projects on her website at 


Visit her on Facebook at Nancy Churnin Children's Books, on Twitter @nchurnin and Instagram @nchurnin

Rob Sanders


Rob Sanders is a teacher who writes and a writer who teaches. He is known for his funny and fierce fiction and nonfiction picture books and is recognized as one of the pioneers in the arena of LGBTQIA+ literary nonfiction picture books. Rob’s nonfiction books continue to break new ground, including the first picture books about the Pride Flag, the Stonewall Uprising, a transgender Civil War soldier, a gay presidential candidate, and the first gay marriage in America. His work also continues to introduce readers to heroes of the LGBTQIA+ community—from Harvey Milk to Gilbert Baker, from Cleve Jones to Bayard Rustin, and more.  His fiction explores friendship, relationships, standing up for others, and being allies. Blood Brothers, his first middle grade novel, written in powerful, raw verse releases in July 2022. And Rob pays it forward. He is a frequent speaker, teacher, mentor, coach, and critiquer. He is also a member of the SCBWI Impact and Legacy Fund Steering Committee. Rob is represented by Rubin Pfeffer.


Website:; Blog:; Facebook: RobSandersWrites; Twitter: RobSandersWrite; Instagram: RobSandersWrites

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Hanh Bui

Inspired by her first teacher at the refugee camp, Hanh Bui pursued a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and taught second grade. Hanh’s commitment to celebrating her heritage includes giving presentations at school visits about her refugee experience to children studying immigration as part of their school curriculum. She serves as co-chair of the Equity and Inclusion Team for the Mid-Atlantic region of SCBWI. She is a member of Diverse Verse and has been featured in Highlights For Children magazine and Next Avenue. She is the author of The Yellow Áo Dài, April 2023 and Ánh's New Word, June 2024 (Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan). You can see more at her website.

Laurie Wallmark


Laurie Wallmark has an MFA in Writing and is a former software engineer and computer science professor. Today she writes award-winning picture book biographies about women in STEM, as well as other types of children’s books. Her books have earned multiple starred reviews, been chosen as Junior Library Guild Selections, and received many prestigious awards. Her titles include Ada Byron Lovelace & the Thinking Machine, Grace Hopper-Queenof Computer Code, Hedy Lamarr's Double Life, Dino Pajama Party, and . One lucky winner will get a copy of Dino Pajama Party!

​You can follow her on Twitter @lauriewallmark & learn more about Laurie at

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A.J. Irving


A.J. Irving grew up in Boise, Idaho, writing stories and daydreaming about becoming an author. Now, she writes picture books and poetry beneath an old elm tree in Salt Lake City. She is the author of Dance Like a Leaf and The Wishing Flower. As a children’s author and former bookmobile librarian, A.J. is passionate about inspiring kids to love books. When she’s not reading, writing, or dancing, she enjoys exploring Utah with her husband, two children, and their English bulldogs. Learn more at her website here.

Amanda Davis


Amanda Davis is a teacher, artist, writer, and innovator who uses her words and pictures to light up the world with kindness. Amanda is the author of the award-winning picture book, 30,000 Stitches: The Inspiring Story of the National 9/11 Flag, Moonlight Memories (June 2023) and a yet to be announced forthcoming title. She also has poetry and illustrations featured in The Writers’ Loft Anthology: Friends & Anemones: Ocean Poems for Children. Amanda has over ten years of experience as a classroom teacher and was selected as Massachusetts Secondary Art Educator of the Year. When she’s not busy creating, you can find her sipping tea, petting dogs, and exploring the natural wonders of The Bay State with her family and her rescue pup, Cora. You can learn more about Amanda at and on Twitter @amandadavisart and Instagram @amandadavis_art.

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Nadine Poper


Nadine is an elementary librarian for the Easton Area School District. She loves how fortunate
she is to be surrounded all day by books and children to share them with. She is the author of PORCUPETTE AND MOPPET a picture book about a bibliophile young porcupine and a bumbling predator, the fisher cat. Her other picture book RANDALL AND RANDALL, which earned a Kirkus Blue Star, is about the symbiotic relationship between the pistol shrimp, a master at excavation, and the goby fish, a skittish, yet happy-go-lucky watchman. Both books are published by Clear Fork.

She is a mom to 3 grown boys and 2 dachshunds but no porcupines or shrimp. She is a member of SCBWI and a committee member for the PA Young Reader’s Choice Award for the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association. Nadine fosters dachshunds for Coast to Coast
Dachshund Rescue. She also enjoys gardening in her Blandon, PA backyard, and of course
reading children’s literature.

You can visit her website to learn more.

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